For those of you who do not know, the GR20 is a "trail", about 112 miles long, that runs from Northern Corsica to the South. It is mountainous terrain with over 90% of the "trail" not being a trail, but rocks, granite slabs, and cliffs leading to sure death if you make a mistake. There are sections with chains to keep you from plummeting hundreds of feet into more rocks below.
This is an example taken from Day 4
To keep me from experiencing carpel tunnel, and to keep these posts at a rather reasonable length, I have decided to break down each post to a day. Therefore, this first post will be of my travel to Corsica.
6 August 2014
Standing in line waiting to check in my backpack, I have come to the conclusion that I am completely unprepared for this trip. After 45 minutes of standing in the same place, my back is killing me and all I want to do is throw my bag off my shoulders and run out of the airport screaming "I QUIT!! I QUIT!" A normal human being preparing for a trip of this caliber would have WORN the pack at least once before the day of departure. A normal person would have, perhaps, gone on a hike with it to test the fit, the load, and the stability. I am not normal in any way, shape, or form. Procrastination at its finest came into play and the first time I strapped that bag on was as I was leaving my house. Standing in line I am beginning to wonder how I can get out of this fiasco with my pride intact.
My good friend Martha gave me a rather brilliant idea the other night over a plate of hot curry at the local Indian restaurant. She had gone on a hiking trip the previous summer through Norway with a small group from our CrossFit gym. By day four Martha, who has more muscle per square inch than anyone I know (which isn't saying much since she is only four feet tall and 50 pounds soaking wet) was ready to throw in the towel. Even though she was in fantastic shape, her little midget legs couldn't keep up with the rest of the group and it is at this point that she hatched her evil plan. Although she be but little, she is fierce...and a little sadistic.
Her plan was to knock over her best friend Kat so she would sprain/ break a leg and the hike would therefore come to an end. Hearing these words come out of her mouth made me choke on my mango lamb curry.
"You're nuts! I love you, but you're nuts!"
She looked at me, smiled her wicked little smile and said "just wait. You will be thinking the same thing soon."
Standing in line at the airport, I began to see her point...
Another topic of conversation during this memorable dinner was a few other points I had missed while planning this epic adventure. Martha, not only being completely direct when it came to her opinion, also found great joy in other people's misery. As loyal of a friend that she is, she takes great joy in the idiocy of her friends.
Martha: Did you pack a map?
Me: No, why? Do you think I need one?
Martha: Not if you have a guide
Me: I do not have a guide. I am my guide
Martha: Is the trail marked?
Me: Yes...I think
Martha: Do you have a compass?
Me: Nope! But I have a really cute blue and pink shark watch which is waterproof up to 100 meters!
Martha: And that will help you how?
Me: It won't break while drowning in my tears of misery
Martha: Have you tried on your bag yet?
Me: the store when I bought it
Martha: Have you packed it yet? How much does it weigh?
Me: I will pack it tomorrow
Martha: You are leaving tomorrow
Me: Yes
Martha: Bless your heart (that is West Virginia speak for you're an idiot)
Yup...I am totally unprepared for this trip.
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